Computer Graphics

Art pictures
Design, advertising pictures
2D and 3D computer graphics
Digital photos processed by computer

  • Porsche 911 singer

    Porsche 911 singer

    Blue is a special color in nature. Made in Blender.

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  • The beginning

    The beginning

    This is the race car that has set off my sim racing journey with OffPaceRacing. Made using Blender, with a lot of motorsport love and passion.

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  • Magic potion

    Magic potion

    Bottle filled with cats and flowers 🙂

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  • Cereal


    Lovely hamster eating it’s cereal 🙂

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  • Offpaceracing #22

    Offpaceracing #22

    OffPaceRacing’s endurance championship winning Porsche 911II GT3 R. A project made with a lot of love and motorsport passion. Made in Blender.

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  • Entwined in destiny: sisters of contrast

    In a world of elemental extremes, these two girls stand as living paradoxes. One commands the raging fires, the other guides the gentle waters. Their destinies entwined, they mirror each other in power and vulnerability. Both born to be titans, yet both haunted by the weight of their potential. Together, they dance on the precipice[…]

    See Project

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  • Spectrum of solace: enchantress and angel

    In this digital artwork we see an angel awaiting his fate – his once bright spirit is now enveloped in sorrow. The wicked witch, empowered by the stolen colors of others’ lives, stands triumphant, ready to drain the last remnants of radiance from this pure soul. The surrendered figure of the angel reflects a deep[…]

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  • Black sun – colored

    Black sun – colored

    Colored version of my Black Sun demon. Enjoy ! 🙂

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  • Magic gathering “golden cat” poster

    Плакат създаден за юбилейното издание на най-голямият магичен фестивал на балканите – "Златна котка" 2023, гр. Габрово Плакатът е част от цялостната идентичност създадена от мен за фестивала.

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  • Chaos


    art project

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  • мотивиращ плакат

    мотивиращ плакат

    Този ,,плакат" представлява двама човека, като единият е в предела на силите си и е на ръба да се откаже – падналият човек, а другият – изправеният – го мотивира да продължи напред и да не се предава.

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  • Tree city

    Tree city

    Автор: Радослав Първанов, 17 години МГ "Академик Кирил Попов", гр. Пловдив Професия: Компютърен график Преподавател: Румен Манолов Проектът е направен на Adobe Photoshop

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